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Fountain of Life Baptist Church: A Review


On Sunday, August 29th, (as well as the following Sundays) I visited Fountain of Life Baptist church in Mission Viejo. Independent "traditional" hymn-singing Baptist churches are rather rare here in Southern California, and I was absolutely delighted with the entire service as well as the men's bible study that followed. My wife mentioned several times that the lady's bible study was by far the best women-only bible study she had ever been in.

This is exactly what a church should be.

What makes this church so good?
  • Solidly biblical preaching. This is not a congregation that seeks to entertain or give light-hearted simple messages. Pastor Daniel Pigott is committed to faithfully preaching the Word of God. Bring your KJV Bible and a notepad!

  • Firm, unwavering, and uncompromising, Biblical doctrine.

  • The sermons are outstanding expository messages that teach the Bible, as well as give its application to our daily lives.

  • Genuine fellowship, surrounded by people that are earnestly seeking a closer walk with Christ.

  • Wonderful piano and violin music with singing that glorifies the Lord. Hymn lyric sheets are handed out before service.

  • Full lunch provided, and it's always delicious!

  • Separate men & women's Bible study after lunch that is focused on Scripture. The men are currently going through each book of the Bible while the women are looking at significant people in the Bible.

  • Fantastic child care.


I don't know what else you could ask for in a church, but this is where I plan to stay and hopefully I'll see YOU there this coming Sunday! They are currently holding service at the Pastor's house but looking to get back into a building soon. If you aren't currently donating to a church (you should be), I highly recommended sending what you can to Fountain of Life Baptist Church.

Because of this wonderful congregation, I will be attending FOL Baptist on Sunday mornings, and will move my weekly Titus Ministries Bible studies to Tuesday evenings at 5:30-6:30pm.

See you soon!


©2020 by Titus Ministries

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